My Sis's Shower.


Keri's shower went on without a snag. It was a lovely room near with a slight view of the lake. Keri and my mom had an ultimate grand plan. I could tell that paid attention to details, all the way up to balloons and goody bags full of pink and brown whoppers.


I definitely had to get an awkward picture of Keri's bump. Of course, I snapped the picture just as soon as she closed one eye. Nonetheless, my niece is in that cute belly and that's what matters.


I also had a chance to catch up with long lost family. They represent a comfortable part of my childhood. It's nice to relive that once in a while.


We played silly shower games and ate deliciously homemade chicken salad sandwiches. I should have taken more pictures, but I was too busy enjoying myself.


I made this card for Keri and Baby LMNOP. Included with my gift was a book called Princess Baby. It was the tale of a baby who wanted to be called by her real name. It is so fitting. Keri and Shawn are keeping their lips zipped about my niece's name. We have called her so many names since her conception that I'm sure she just wants to be called by her REAL name.


I just received a phone call yesterday that Keri's one centimeter dilated, so I may not have to wait that long to meet BABY LMNOP.


Heather said...

Woo!! Hope you get your niece SOON! hehe

Misty said...

it looks like such a great time!!!! Wonderful!