My Lifetime travel plans:

Josh and I have been watching a tremendous amount of travel videos lately. Although we would love to travel the entire world, we have absolutely fallen in love with Europe.

We have a big trip planned eventually, after the house is bought. Until then, I can long for the lovely places we would like to travel:

1. France, Au Paris. I am a complete francophile and long to spend a week or two (or my whole life) in Paris touring the museums and sampling the food from lovely cafes. I am especially interested in the Latin Quarter for their lovely open air food markets.

2. Italy could be the soul of my existence. Italy bares so many wonderful delicacies in each region. I could probably taste something in every town and never have enough of the wonderful food that Italy has to offer.

3. Santorini is the Greek Island of my dreams. I can picture us lazing by the beach all day or exploring the archaeological sights of the island. A week of relaxation is just what the doctor ordered.

4. Russia for its beautiful onion domes and post-cold war open air markets. Have you ever seen anything so spectacular?

5. Barcalona and other parts of Spain for it's wonderful surrealist museums, flamenco dancing, bull fights, and wonderful tapas.

6. Amsterdam: Van Gogh! Van Gogh! Van Gogh!

Oh, I can go on and on. I think this is a great list to pine away over until the real thing comes true.

1 comment:

Misty said...

certainly beautiful things lay ahead for you to witness and see. Until then, dream away and imagine them in their splendor! We may long for things we've never done, but once we do- the dream is over...